Learning Forward Florida (LFFL) Organization

Learning Forward Florida (LFFL) is committed to excellent teaching, leading, and learning every day.

Mission and Strategic Priorities

LFFL Mission Statement: LFFL builds capacity to establish, support, and sustain highly effective professional learning.

    • PRIORITY AREA 1:  High-Quality Professional Learning Standards and Practice
    • PRIORITY AREA 2:  Universal Practices
    • PRIORITY AREA 3:  Impact and Accountability
    • PRIORITY AREA 4:  Networking and Leadership
    • PRIORITY AREA 5:  Advocacy and Policy

Learning Forward Florida began as the Florida Association for Staff Development (FASD).  The organization has its roots in the Florida Teacher Education Center Act of 1973. This forward-looking legislation established funding for a model collaborative relationship among teachers, school districts, universities, and the Florida Department of Education (FDOE). The legal name of the organization remains Florida Association for Staff Development, however, we use the name Learning Forward Florida to align with the national organization, Learning Forward.

Organization Documents

Learning Forward Florida (FASD)
1311 Balboa Ave, Panama City, FL
(800) 311-6437

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© Learning Forward Florida (FASD) 2019