Award for Outstanding
Professional Learning Practices

An annual award bestowed upon leaders in the field of professional learning who have shown evidence of
outstanding professional learning practices aligned with the protocol standards


Program Title: Simply the B.E.S.T for Professional Learning Around the B.E.S.T. Standards
Susan Walden
Office of Professional Learning
Leon County Schools


Program Title: Leadership Pipeline
Professional Learning Department
Pinellas County Schools


Program Title: OCPS Induction and Mentoring  
Dr. Leigh Ann Bradshaw, OCPS Associate Superintendent of the Professional Learning Department, and her team.
Orange County Public Schools


Dr. Lori Allen and the Multi-Tiered PBIS System of Supports Team
Polk County Public Schools


Robert Bixler, Curriculum and Digital Learning Department
Orange County Public Schools


Program Title: District Professional Learning Community 
Susan Abbe and the Professional Learning Department
Orange County Public Schools


Program Title: Curriculum Mapping and Design to Eliminate Achievement and Opportunity Gaps
Mangai Neelavannan & Anderson Middle School
Martin County School District


Program Title: Project Connect
Adam Azula, Program Development Training Specialist


Program Title: Plus2: Progressive Learning & Understanding through Support Systems
Lisa Churchwell, Coordinator of Staff Development
Bay District Schools


Program Title: Go Vertical
Dr. Lissette Brizendine, Assistant Superintendent
School District of Osceola County

Program Title: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
Debra Estes, Coordinator, ESOL, Migrant and Immigrant Services
Manatee County


Program Title: Instructional Coaching Series with TeachLivE   Learn more
Melba Luciano, Superintendent
School District of Osceola County

Program Title: Video Instructional Performance Project: Teacher Evaluation Administrative Monitoring System   Learn more
Debra Pace, Associate Superintendent
Brevard Public Schools


Program Title: Instructional Personnel Performance Appraisal System (IPPAS)
Brevard Public Schools


Program Title: Principal Academy
Mary Ellen Isaac, Vice President Schultz Center Leadership Institute
Michele Woodcock
Schultz Center for Teaching and Leadership

Program Title: Teachers on Special Assignment for Technology
Tamra Hogue, Supervisor of Instructional Technology and Media Services
Lisa Churchwell, Director of Professional Development
Bay District Schools

Program Title: St. Lucie Public Schools Framework
Carla Moore, Director of Quality Instruction
Allison Barajas
St. Lucie District Schools


Program Title: Successful Teachers Assisting Rising Teachers (START)
Karen "KK" Owen, Director of Staff Development
Escambia County School District Professional Development Department

Program Title: Pinellas Inquiry Initiative
Alyson Adams, Associate Director, University of Florida
Lisa Grant, Director of Professional Development, Pinellas County Schools
Kaethe Perez, Learning Facilitator
Lastinger Center for Learning

Program Title: "Small Learning Communities" Initiative
Mary Ann Bennett, Principal
Nassau County: Yulee Primary School


Explore these links to find past Outstanding Staff Development Award winners.
1998 - 2010

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